Synopsis of 负责人’s Video Update for the Week of September 28th

  • 介绍

    What’s happened so far this school year: Dr. Swift thanks the AAPS team for the hard work done to get the year started. Over 530-thousand meals have been distributed to AAPS families since March with distributions every week on Monday and Thursday.

    ITD distributed about 17-thousand technology devices and is working with families on internet connections.

    上周 学校用品包 were distributed to students in high schools and middle schools. This week distribution goes for elementary 年龄d students and those at Ann Arbor Open and A2蒸汽.

    谢谢大家 parents, staff, students that have shared their feedback around concerns of screen time, length of school day and challenges particularly for youngest students and those with special needs. Will be sharing a parent feedback form soon to collect more feedback.

    small groups into our schools under Phase 4 of the Michigan MI Safe Start Plan. High school athletics and SAT testing have been the first effort to have students in person for activities. Using masks, social distancing to maintain safety. Will be sharing information on other small groups in the near future.

    我们都是 looking forward to having students and staff in-person learning 在我们的学校. Planning for this for months to make sure facilities are prepared and protocols are in place. We understand interest in setting a date for a return to in-person school, yet understand that may not line up with science.  Instead we are setting metrics, 确保数据保持不变, and then bringing in youngest kids and those with special needs. Will offer full virtual experience for families that aren’t comfortable for returning.

    Executive Director Student and School Health, Jenna Bacolor discusses metrics shared at the last 教育委员会 meeting. They include how new cases are trending, 每100宗个案,每100万人中就有1万人, positivity rate and more on local outbreaks and clusters. New guidance came from the CDC, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and AAPS continues to work with local partners. Taking all of this information and will adjust our metrics accordingly.

    Putting plans together for months around protections for students and staff to minimize risk when in-person learning resumes. 完整的计划可用 在这里.

    看着 度量的总体 to get a really good sense of how much community spread of COVID-19 is happening locally as we decide when to bring students back in-person.

    Phased in approach of bringing students back into the school starting with students with specialized learning needs and kindergarten through second. Will monitor impact, then bring in 3rd 到5th 年级. Then will bring in secondary students, but they are more complicated because secondary students are not just a small cohort group like elementary schools.

    矩形 & Ed began program last Wednesday that offers free in-person and online programs for K-8 students. A chance for students to interact in a host of activities on Wednesday and Saturday. 了解更多 在这里 
